Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Final PE Reflection

Wow, spring semester really does go by quickly! It is already time to reflect on my PE goals for this semester!

Japanese Language Table - I really kept up with going to the Mathey college table, and I think this was a lot of fun and I learned a lot! Thank you Makino Sensei for always setting this up for us first years!

Office Hours - I went to office hours of one of my senseis almost every week. There were a couple times that I should have went more than once though.

Stop using romaji - This one I think I passed about half of the time. I use hiragana in my notes much more often, but often I still just jot something down in romaji. I also memorized my speech by reading it in romaji many many times which I do not think is the best.

PE - I did not do as much PE practice as I wanted to do. I mostly just did what was mandatory.

Music - Not even sure if this counts as a goal from how easy this is. I have been much better about trying to really listen to the lyrics though.

This semester has been really tough; Japanese is the class that takes the most time and frustrates me from time to time. But I really enjoy it! I plan to keep learning a lot more.

Monday, May 8, 2017


勉強するの や アルバイト や しごと は とても 大切ですけど、 時々 ゆっくりした方がいいですよ。ゆっくりするのは 何をした方がいいですか?

今日のブログで ゆっくりする一番いいアクティビティ について話したいです。

たくさん大学生は あまり 寝ます! よく、私は 五時間ぐらい 寝ます。少しすぎる!寝るのはとても大切ですから、時々早く寝た方がいいですよ。

しゅみをしたら、うれしくなります! 私は しゃしんをとるのや 画を書くの や アニメを見るのが好きです。よく、しゅみの時間がないんですけど、時々しゅみをするのはいいですよ

ゆっくりをする一番大切なアクティビティ は 友達とゆっくりをします! 友達と話した方がいいですよ。さばしくなるのはとてもわるいですから、友達はいいですよ!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Siri の ゲーム

今日のクラスの前、私たちは ちがい英語のゲームのビデオを見ました。

Friday, April 21, 2017

ぶーログ 4-24-17

こんいちわ!今日は、プリンストンの一番きれいなきせ つについて話したいです。
プリンストンに行く前に たくさん ゆきを見たことがありませんでした。
けれども、今雪を見たことがあります! とてもきれいですね。雪が大好きです。だけど寒い天気はちょとお。。。

今は春ですから、キャンパスはとても元気になります。学生は よくそとでしゅくだいをしたり友だちとあるいたりします。キャンパスで歩くのがとくにたのしくて、いいです。

また、ふんすいで たくさん人はあそびます。楽しいとおもいます。
温かい天気の時、つめたい飲み物 を飲めます。春はいいですね。

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


ファッションは私の一番好きなしゅみです。かわくて、カラフルなふくが大好きです。よく、ドレスをきていたり イヤリングをしていたりします。でも、子供の時に かわいいふくやスカートや買うのがきらいでした! 高校の時に ふくが おもしろくなりました。



Wednesday, March 29, 2017

PE Midterm Reflection

This semester is going really quickly! Already it is time for my Midterm reflection to keep me on track.

My Goals from the beginning of semester:

Japanese Language Table - I have been keeping this very well, and have been going most weeks to our first year one unless something inescapable came up. I also went to the upperclassmen table on Thursday!

Office Hours - I have been pretty good with going to a sensei's office hours every week to practice speaking, but I need to make sure I am going EVERY week.

Stop Using Romaji in Notes - I'm not sure if this fits exactly into my PE goals, as it doesn't pertain to speaking. But I have been doing a good job at writing in hiragana when taking notes.

PE - I have not followed through with doing a shadowing every week and something extra from the textbook.

Listen to Music - This one was easy to follow through with!

I need to make sure t be following through on these goals completely, not just "most of the time." I also need to be going to the Upperclassmen Japanese table more often, as that will help me encounter words and grammar that is totally new to me like I will this Summer.
I'm really enjoying class this semester, so I must do my best!

Monday, March 27, 2017



先週は春休み! とてもよかったです。


一日、私は ジャグリングクラブ とサーカスにいきました。えええ、とても、とても たのしくて、すばらしかったです!子供の時に サーカスにいきたかったから、私はうれしかったです! サーカスは好きなショーです。



Sunday, March 26, 2017


This is an acappella version of the song I really like!

Sunday, March 19, 2017



"Hello Especially"


New Goal~

The timing on our past two Japanese tests have been very difficult for me! I feel like I understand everything well, but I am not fast enough at completing the tests.

My new goal is to complete daily timed writing tasks.

Every day I'm going to set a timer for 7 to 10 minutes and write in Japanese on basic topics from old tests or from the text book.
I'm going to practice dictating from the dialogue and extra dicta conversations instead every couple of days also.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2月9日 しゅくだい!

今日は、 一番好きな レストラン と 一番おいしい たべもの について 書きたいです!

どんな たべもの が 一番 好きですか。
私は あまいたべもの が 大好きです。 でも、すっぱい たべもの と からい たべもの が きらいです。

あまいの が 好きな ので、いちご や ケーキ や チョコレート を いつも たべます。 ケーキ に たくさん カロリー が あります!! たいへんです!

私は イタリア のたべもの や 日本の たべもの も好きです。プリンストン で ラーメン と すし のレストラン が あります。でも、ちょっと たかいです。 お金 が ありません。

今 私は ばんごはん を たべたいです。

Semester Goals!


Making a goal post helps keep me accountable for working on my Japanese further than just in class and homework. So let's start this semester off right!

-Able to conjugate and form correct tenses quickly
-Quick recognition of necessary particle when speaking
-Ability to read faster, especially Katakana
-Continue to correct pitch and pronunciation so I am more clear to native speakers

Actions I will take:

1) Japanese Language Table!
With three different times available each week, even if I can't make the Tuesday one, I plan to go each and every week. Verbal speaking is what, personally to me, is most important, so even if I'm busy I will be making time to practice. Even if this means missing a dinner a week with my friends!

2) Shibata Sensei's Office Hours!
Every other week to work specifically on pitch and pronunciation. This is a great resource and I should utilize her help!

3) Stop Using Romanji in Notes
This makes it easy in the short run for me, but I think is hurting my reading speed in the long run. I also should try to read the practice in the book and other things more often.

4) PE
Do a shadowing and another extra exercise each time we have a PE due.

5) Continue to find and enjoy Japanese Pop music. Saying I'll watch a show in Japanese each week is a bit difficult to do, but listening aand paying attention to the lyrics in music is good also!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Final PE 1-13-17

A final check up and reflection of my goals as this semester ends!

My goal was to go to the language table every other week at least. I did manage this unless something inescapable came up, and I am happy for that. However, I really need to go to every week's language table. I think speaking is the most important aspect of Japanese I want to learn, so I should utilize every chance I get.

I did practice with classmates a couple times at our own little breakfast Japanese language table, but this I could also make more time for if I only put a little more effort in.

Shibata sensei's office hours were very helpful, and I went often, but around the end of December I didn't go as much as I should have!

I listen to Japanese pop music and focus on the lyrics when walking places around campus. This has been really fun, and I've found some great bands!
I also practiced with PE over Christmas break many times, and studied grammar a lot on my own.

Overall, I think I have been doing a good job and dedicating a lot of time. However, I really want to learn Japanese, so I should dedicate even more time if I want to really improve. It can be difficult with all the other work for classes, but that's no excuse!

1月12日 ブログ

クリスマスの休みは たのしかっです!
毎日九時間ぐらい ねるので よかったです。

ははのうちに かえって、はは と そぼ と クリスマス の ひるごはんを たべました。うれしかったです。

すこし しゅうくだいを しました。でも たくさん アニメ を みました。”なつめ ゆうじんちょう 五” が 一番 好きです! 

クリスマス に 小さい カメラ を むらいました。 私の カメラは Polaroid の しゃしん を とります。

とても たのしかったです! 今 テスト が あります!! 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

パフューム の うた!

パフューム の 新しい うた いいですね。
うたのなまえは ”FLASH" です。

 ポップ が 大好きです!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

成人の日 - Coming of Age Day

成人の日はおもしろいです。今年 一月ここのかです。