Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2月9日 しゅくだい!

今日は、 一番好きな レストラン と 一番おいしい たべもの について 書きたいです!

どんな たべもの が 一番 好きですか。
私は あまいたべもの が 大好きです。 でも、すっぱい たべもの と からい たべもの が きらいです。

あまいの が 好きな ので、いちご や ケーキ や チョコレート を いつも たべます。 ケーキ に たくさん カロリー が あります!! たいへんです!

私は イタリア のたべもの や 日本の たべもの も好きです。プリンストン で ラーメン と すし のレストラン が あります。でも、ちょっと たかいです。 お金 が ありません。

今 私は ばんごはん を たべたいです。

Semester Goals!


Making a goal post helps keep me accountable for working on my Japanese further than just in class and homework. So let's start this semester off right!

-Able to conjugate and form correct tenses quickly
-Quick recognition of necessary particle when speaking
-Ability to read faster, especially Katakana
-Continue to correct pitch and pronunciation so I am more clear to native speakers

Actions I will take:

1) Japanese Language Table!
With three different times available each week, even if I can't make the Tuesday one, I plan to go each and every week. Verbal speaking is what, personally to me, is most important, so even if I'm busy I will be making time to practice. Even if this means missing a dinner a week with my friends!

2) Shibata Sensei's Office Hours!
Every other week to work specifically on pitch and pronunciation. This is a great resource and I should utilize her help!

3) Stop Using Romanji in Notes
This makes it easy in the short run for me, but I think is hurting my reading speed in the long run. I also should try to read the practice in the book and other things more often.

4) PE
Do a shadowing and another extra exercise each time we have a PE due.

5) Continue to find and enjoy Japanese Pop music. Saying I'll watch a show in Japanese each week is a bit difficult to do, but listening aand paying attention to the lyrics in music is good also!