Wednesday, March 29, 2017

PE Midterm Reflection

This semester is going really quickly! Already it is time for my Midterm reflection to keep me on track.

My Goals from the beginning of semester:

Japanese Language Table - I have been keeping this very well, and have been going most weeks to our first year one unless something inescapable came up. I also went to the upperclassmen table on Thursday!

Office Hours - I have been pretty good with going to a sensei's office hours every week to practice speaking, but I need to make sure I am going EVERY week.

Stop Using Romaji in Notes - I'm not sure if this fits exactly into my PE goals, as it doesn't pertain to speaking. But I have been doing a good job at writing in hiragana when taking notes.

PE - I have not followed through with doing a shadowing every week and something extra from the textbook.

Listen to Music - This one was easy to follow through with!

I need to make sure t be following through on these goals completely, not just "most of the time." I also need to be going to the Upperclassmen Japanese table more often, as that will help me encounter words and grammar that is totally new to me like I will this Summer.
I'm really enjoying class this semester, so I must do my best!

Monday, March 27, 2017



先週は春休み! とてもよかったです。


一日、私は ジャグリングクラブ とサーカスにいきました。えええ、とても、とても たのしくて、すばらしかったです!子供の時に サーカスにいきたかったから、私はうれしかったです! サーカスは好きなショーです。



Sunday, March 26, 2017


This is an acappella version of the song I really like!

Sunday, March 19, 2017



"Hello Especially"


New Goal~

The timing on our past two Japanese tests have been very difficult for me! I feel like I understand everything well, but I am not fast enough at completing the tests.

My new goal is to complete daily timed writing tasks.

Every day I'm going to set a timer for 7 to 10 minutes and write in Japanese on basic topics from old tests or from the text book.
I'm going to practice dictating from the dialogue and extra dicta conversations instead every couple of days also.

Wish me luck!