Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Final PE Reflection

Wow, spring semester really does go by quickly! It is already time to reflect on my PE goals for this semester!

Japanese Language Table - I really kept up with going to the Mathey college table, and I think this was a lot of fun and I learned a lot! Thank you Makino Sensei for always setting this up for us first years!

Office Hours - I went to office hours of one of my senseis almost every week. There were a couple times that I should have went more than once though.

Stop using romaji - This one I think I passed about half of the time. I use hiragana in my notes much more often, but often I still just jot something down in romaji. I also memorized my speech by reading it in romaji many many times which I do not think is the best.

PE - I did not do as much PE practice as I wanted to do. I mostly just did what was mandatory.

Music - Not even sure if this counts as a goal from how easy this is. I have been much better about trying to really listen to the lyrics though.

This semester has been really tough; Japanese is the class that takes the most time and frustrates me from time to time. But I really enjoy it! I plan to keep learning a lot more.

Monday, May 8, 2017


勉強するの や アルバイト や しごと は とても 大切ですけど、 時々 ゆっくりした方がいいですよ。ゆっくりするのは 何をした方がいいですか?

今日のブログで ゆっくりする一番いいアクティビティ について話したいです。

たくさん大学生は あまり 寝ます! よく、私は 五時間ぐらい 寝ます。少しすぎる!寝るのはとても大切ですから、時々早く寝た方がいいですよ。

しゅみをしたら、うれしくなります! 私は しゃしんをとるのや 画を書くの や アニメを見るのが好きです。よく、しゅみの時間がないんですけど、時々しゅみをするのはいいですよ

ゆっくりをする一番大切なアクティビティ は 友達とゆっくりをします! 友達と話した方がいいですよ。さばしくなるのはとてもわるいですから、友達はいいですよ!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Siri の ゲーム

今日のクラスの前、私たちは ちがい英語のゲームのビデオを見ました。